I am a research assistant at the Department of Communication Science at the German Police University, located in beautiful Münster in North-Western Germany, and also a doctoral candidate in media psychology at the University of Cologne.
My interests include (de)radicalization on the internet, media literacy, automated discourse and emotion analysis, and the effects of narrative media.
In order to be able to properly operate at the academic intersection of hard and soft sciences and to add proficient skills in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to my social science background, I am continuously looking for new opportunities to expand my knowledge. I thus i.a. completed the Artificial Intelligence Professional Program offered by the School of Engineering at the University of Stanford.
If you want to find out about my skills and education in more detail, have a look at this graphic CV or refer to my more formal, traditional CV.
investigating collective extremist dynamics on the internet - particularly within social media
applying machine learning to topic modelling and sentiment analyses of malignant rhetoric on the web
turning data into compelling research stories - static, dynamic, or even interactive ones
The overall aim of the LINKS project is to strengthen links between technologies and society for improved European disaster resilience, by producing sustainable advanced learning on the use of social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) in disasters.
This joint project conducts applied and fundamental intedisciplinary research on the dynamics and escalation of extremist interactions in social online networks.
I love to engage in knowledge exchange and therefore already started teaching as an undergraduate as a tutor for German Philology at the University of Münster. From there on I luckily progressed throughout my academic life, being offered the opportunity to teach the great variety of different subjects - for the full list of courses I taught and the workshops I offer, please refer to my CV.
Moreover, I am always happy to take advanced trainings in higher education and didactics. I for instance obtained the certificate ‘Hochschuldidaktik’ issued by the Federal District of North-Rhine Westphalia by completing a series of workshops on different teaching skills (such as degree program accreditation or developing online learning units) that had an overall workload of more than 160 hours.
If you are interested, I am always happy to share materials on my courses.
practical course, graduate/undergraduate level, Spring 2016, University of Münster
a hands-on introductory course on the principles of modern AI technologies that targets people without any background in computer science. It provides a basic understanding of what AI actually is, what its limitations are, and why artificial intelligence should never be thought of entirely independent from human intelligence.
Annika Hamachers
Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei
Zum Roten Berge 18-24
48165 Münster